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To: haoabadal@abp.in
From: Subhas Sarkar <subhas.sarkar@gmail.com>
Date: 04/05/2010 10:23PM

Subject: Sanjib Pal's Article on Grand Canyon (Haoabadal, 1 April 2010)

Dear Editor,

I was highly impressed with the article on Grand Canyon by Shri Sanjib Pal. His writing style is very good and captures the spirit of great outdoor location like Grand Canyon and its surrounding areas. The photographs are also very good.  He did full justice to the subject.

I would request you to kindly convey my congratulations to Mr Pal.
(I am kind of personally jealous now, because it was one of the areas I wanted to write about at some time later !! He took the wind out my sails. Ha ha!!).

I do not want to sound critical, but would like to point out one factual inaccuracy :  Grand Canyon is NOT the largest canyon in the world. In 2005 when I visited the Copper Canyon ("Barranca del Cobre" in spanish) in Chihuahua state in Mexico , I was told by the local tour guides that Copper Canyon was larger and deeper than Grand Canyon of USA. At that time, I took that a local bragging. But later, I found out that other sources including Wikipedia also mentions the same (see below).  When I went to Grand Canyon in 2007, the official tour guide (the ranger from the national park services department) also stated that Grand Canyon is not the biggest, but the Copper Canyon is. However, Copper canyon is not as well developed for tourism as the Grand Canyon is.

Thanks and Namaskar
Subhas  Sarkar
Roanoke, Virginia, USA

Copper Canyon
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Copper Canyon (Spanish: Barranca del Cobre ) is a group of canyons consisting of 6 distinct canyons in the Sierra Tarahumara in the southwestern part of the state of Chihuahua in Mexico . The overall canyon system is larger and portions are deeper than the Grand Canyon in the neighboring United States . The canyons were formed by six rivers which drain the western side of the Sierra Tarahumara (a part of the Sierra Madre Occidental ). All six rivers merge into the Rio Fuerte and empty into the Sea of Cortez . The walls of the canyon are a copper/green color which is where the name originates.

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The definition of "largest canyon" is rather imprecise, as a canyon can be large by its depth, length, or the total area of the canyon system. Also the inaccessibility of the major canyons in the Himalaya contributes to their not being regarded as candidates for the biggest canyon. The definition of "deepest canyon" is similarly imprecise, especially if one includes mountain canyons as well as canyons cut through relatively flat plateaus (which have a somewhat well-defined rim elevation).

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Hello Sanjib,

After doing a little research, I found some information that might be helpful for you. The Grand Canyon is comprised of over 300 tributaries/side canyons. Although it is large, it is not the largest canyon in the world, or even the United States. The deepest canyon in the United States is Hells Canyon of the Snake River.

There does not seem to be a definite answer for which is the deepest canyon on earth.

It seems that the deepest exposed canyon is the Cotahuasi Canyon of Peru, which is almost twice the depth of Grand Canyon. Colca Canyon of Peru and the Yarlung Zangbo in China are a close second , so I think just analyzing the actual depth will give you the answer. This is of course only considering continental canyons. Underwater canyons are much deeper, i.e. the Mariana Trench.

Good luck with your research,
Ali Clark
Grand Canyon National Park

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haoabadal@abp.in XsyS haoabadal@gmail.com

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