13  KyÅSd 1410 }AyyS} 27 _A<~ 2003


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ySØ~SÜ <s{ P¢v hM~Ai~ 15 Xeò 1854 ÑSaÖS PsMc deA~ w|ñå¥ rS}w} çM{ çM{ _} ÉEÉS}q fMmMi¥

1909 ÉS~ w|ñå |S®HySÑH mQMwMv} cS{}SÜ PcSva mÜM~m yS PÅRhSeS} Ai~ vS¥ AtAN} jSrHÜ P}~aMÜ <tÅñvÅS~SÜ jNv} çÌë$ |S®H XAd~h4 PÉMv} w® PsMc jSvS |SÜ PÉZ rs©¥ (PwA}~É Xy YA~ñ Po P}~aMÜ ¢SÄMwSmñ Zv ZAäÜS¥ X©SchÍÜS~ P~mS} ZM}m ¢Sz~S} aAd~h4 PÉv Zv 1909 X©Sä X©Sj AoÉM=o Zv t© v©SÅvS~ P}~aMÜ A{\AjÜS{¥ Av\ AtAN¥

XAd~h4 PÉv w©SMÉbS} P¢Mv YÑ{twÚ} PòÅMv YÉS {S® cS>nS~ dSaÜSÜ Pwm xÌM~ |SÜ¥ P¢v PsMc PvM{ _cSMå rS>} PÅRhcSj c}S {S® P}~ eSoñ yS>AÅ ySjSM~ P¢v PiMÖ PtÜ¥ rdv _cÑSMr ‘ P~SmS’, Xv© ÑSMr ‘uÛAr’ AvMÜ rS>Mc iÂmMr ÑÜ¥ Ac© ArAv wMÖ |SaÜSÜ aZ Xyô=Smx}M{ \wAôr ÉcM~} ÉS{Mv X<br Ñv¥ YÑ{twÚ} PòÅMv ArAv wMÖ sSMcv¥

rS>} {Mr _mS dÚyZ dS}Sw |At PcSva P}~|S®H PÅRh cSMj |SÜ Ac Xz( eSoñ rS} jv© wS@h A{Avm XMwêS cM}r wSM}v vS? PÉ jv© rS>} <SsñvS a AvMytv jvSSMsñ eSMoñ} \w} yÖ }cM{} jA}{SvS c}S PÑSc¥ vrÍyS yÖ cM} A}MwSmñ KrA} c}Myv ÉØyStwM®} jv©¥

<tÅñÅS~SÜ AhCn} \wM} P~dS YMi:


1909 to the Sahibgang Divisional Office. West Bengal after which train compartments came to have attached toilets.

ràcS~Hv ySgSA~} (XAd~h4 PÉv) ZØM}Aj zSÇSÜ P~dS w®:

Dear Sir,

I am arrive by passenger train Ahmadpur station and my belly is too much swelling with Jackfruit. I am therefor went to privyjust I doing the nuisance that guard making whistle blow for train to go off and I am running with `Lotahin one hand and Dhoti’. in the nest when I am fall over and expose all my shocking to man and female women on platform. I am got leaved at Ahmedpur station.

This too much bad, if passenger go to make dung that dam, guard not wait train five minutes for him. I am therfore pray your honour to make big fine on that gourd for public sake. Otherwise I am making big report to papers.

yours fathfully servent

Okhil Ch. Sen

Rabibashariya Anandamela


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