20 Kh® 1417 PÉS{yS} 4 _A<~ 2011



cH wYi, Pcv wYi,
cH zSMy w


Éy wYSZ _c u}Mv} ÑZ vS¥ Y{}S dyM}} cSej P|{v zSMy wAY, eMO} yZ PÉ
zSMy wA
Y vS¥ YyS} eMO} yZ P| zSMy wAY, zÊMeS~ w}HêS} wYS PÉ zSMy wAY vS¥  

Y{}S <Mr©McZ <ArAtv AciÌ vS AciÌ wAY¥ PÉ dyM}} cSej PÑSc, eMO} yZ PÑSc yS wYS} yZ¥ _Z ÉØd©SZ Y{}S wYS} Xz©SÉ AvMZ YM~ShvS c}y¥ Ac1 AyÇZAm AvMZ YM~ShvS c}S} YMe Y{SMt} cMZcmS AjAvÉ zS~ cM} yÚkMr ÑMy—

1) Y{}S Pcv wAY XsSñà Y{SMt} wYS} \M±Å© cH¥
2) Y{}S cH zSMy wAY¥ {SMv, wYS} \M±Å© ÉSuMv} jv© Y{}S P| w$Ar Xy~Gv cA}¥ Y},
3) Y{}S cH wYAi¥

wYS} \M±Å©, w$Ar _yØ AyÇMZ} {Mu© _cmS wS}èA}c ÉDcñ }MZMi¥ vHMh P| PmAy~Am c}S Ñ~ PÉAm  PtdM~ y©SwS}mS Y}a wA}íS} cM} PySkS |SMy¥

iAy: ÉÚ{v PhRuÚA}

YyS} _{va ÑMr wSM}, _cZ AjAvÉ wYMr wYMra Pc\ tÁMmS w$Ar A{AÅMZ y©yÑS} c}Mr wSM}v¥ P|{v, PcSva _cmS AyÇZ w}HêS} jv© KrA} c}Mr yMÉ Y{}S rS} rMs©} XØÅ`M~S Ü©SAvØ cM} wMY AvZ, Y} {Û~ zSyvS yS AyM5ÇMq} jSZeS`M~S} jv© Zv-Pow«s A}AoØ y©yÑS} cA}¥ A&rHZ w$Ar} PêM® Ü©SAvØ-_} PhMZ PyAÅ ‘AoMm~o’ A}AoØ t}cS} ÑZ¥ P{Sm csS, Y{}S |SZ cA} vS Pcv, Arv }c{ w$Ar} A}AoØ-_} AÜ~Z Y{SMt} t}cS} ÑZ¥


_} {SMv, dÚy rSYSrSAY  AyÇZmS} \w} PhSd yÚA~MZ P{SmS{ÚAm y©SwS}mS yÚMk PvaZS¥ P|{v:  

a) find the right word
All goods purchased at this shop must be paid for in ________ (clash/cash)
The __________ will remain dry and sunny (whether/weather)

b) Matching titles to texts

_cmS P~dS} PsMc _cmS PiSm w©S}SéSx Y~StS cM} rÌM~ AtMZ |At y~S ÑZ _cmS AncnSc PÑAoØ yS vS{ PyMi tSa, rS ÑM~ rÌA{ hm cM} P~dSmSZ PhSd yÚA~MZ AyÇZmS yÚMk vSa¥ _mSa AÜA{Ø-_} \tSÑ}q¥ vHMh} w©S}SéSxAm wMY _cmS PÑAoØ ySMiS¥
Generally when we speak of ice,we have only two kinds of ice in our mind:one which is obtained by freezing water and sold in the market and the other,the snow that falls on mountains during winter.Both of these are formed by the condensation of water.But there is also a third kind of ice which is not made from water.On the contrary,it is prepared from carbon dioxide. Tick the appropriate title for this text: Dry ice/ice making/types of ice


Ü©SAvØ Ñ~ {MvSM|SMe} ÉMò _cmS PcSva AyÇZyb} \w} PhSd yÚA~MZ |SaZS, |SMr PcSva wMZ* A{É cM} vS |Sa¥

a) PcSva PxSv AoM}fA} PsMc yS} c}S - PcSva AyMÅÇ y3Ì yS wA}AhMr} PmA~MxSv vSGS} rS} AncSvS rS} AncSvS Awv PcSo
ÅvSA} PsMc AciÌ XØÅ {v AtMZ wYS¥ P|{v,
Interest- 1) readiness to give attention : I have no interest in politics
2) an activity,subject etc which one gives time and attention to: eating seems to be his only interest in life.
3) money paid for the use of money-  he lent me the money at 6% interest.

_ yS} yM~S,
What does interest mean in the following sentence?
1) she looks after her own interests
2) this subject has no interest for me
3) interest rates have been cut by ½%
4) social work is one of her interests.
5) the dog returned his kindness with interest

c) XMvc PêM® AocÅvSA}Mr Anc _Z zSMy Ü©SAvØ-_} ÉÚAyMu{MrS rs©`A~ ÉSAjMZ PtaZS sSMc vS¥ PÉ PêM® AvMjMc _cmS hSmñ ySAvMZ Å@ a rS} AyAz7 y©yÑS} A~Md P}Mc <MZSjv{MrS Ü©Sv cM} wYMr wSM}S¥ P|{v,
Make up – 1) to invent something
2) use paint and powder on the face to improve appearance
3) to prepare,arrange or put together
4) to form as a whole, constitute
Now, the different uses of the word if different sentences:
1) Water is made up of oxygen and hydrogen
2) She never goes out without make up
3) Its time you made up with your friend
4) That child makes up the most incredible stories
5) The cashier was asked to make up the money.

d) PcSva |M0} ÉMò YÉS rS} A~Adr y©yÑS}AyAu, rS} cSMj} Ayy}q, |Mt} Ayy}q, Av}Sw§S-ÉØçSå rs© |dv Y{}S wAY, Ü©SAvØ w$ArMrZ wAY¥ _cmS w©S}Séx Ü©SAvØ cM} wMY vHMh} <4`A~} {MrS <4 cM} |SAhMZ AvM~ PcSva AyÇZ wYS ÑZMi AcvS yÚMk AvMr wSM}S¥
1) When did Hilary and Tenzing reach base camp 3?
2) When was the red cross society founded?
3) How many times does the word music occur in the passage?

rSYSrSAY wYSZ Ñ~ AÜA{Ø cM} wYS a Ü©SAvØ cM} wYS} YÉ~ y©SwS}¥ rSYSrSAY wYS, Ac1 AyÇZmS yÚMk PvaZS/ {Mv }SdS _Z tÁZ w$Ar} \M±Å©¥


Pcv  wYAi cH zSMy wYAi (w$Ar) cH wYAi
AyÇMZ} ÉS}SØÅ yÚkMr AÜA{Ø ÉØyStw®, wA®cS
PcSva AvAtñî rs© ÉØéÑ c}Mr Ü©SAvØ PmA~MxSvAoM}fA},
w}HêS} x~
PcSva P~dS wÚM}SwÚA} PySkS
Ø rS} {Û~©SZv c}S
Zv-Pow«s A}AoØ A}ÉShñ PwwS}, YBc~
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XvÚ{Ar iSÖS _Z aMÜyÉSZMm} PcSva XØÅ, P~dS yS iAy vc~ c}S yS Xv© PcSsSa <cSÅ c}S PyYZAv¥
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