10 {Sf 1417 PÉS{yS} 24 jSvþÚÜSþA} 2011



PtdMr _c? Xsñ <SZ
_c? dÚy ÉSyuSv!


PyÅ AciÌ ZØM}Aj Å@ YMi, P|`A~ _cmS} ÉMò Y} _cmS `A~MZ |SZ¥ P|{v accept/except, adapt/adopt, affect/effect. YyS} AciÌ Å@ XMsñ} Atc AtMZ w}èM}} cSiScSAi, Ac1 y©yÑSM}} PêM® `T§wÛqñ rxSr YMi¥ P|{v, amount/number. Y}, _cZ ÅM@} _cSAuc Xsñ, PÉ PrS YMiZ, P|{v lie. Yj Y{}S _Z u}Mv} ÅM@} y©yÑS} AvMZ YM~ShvS c}y¥


dÚy `A~MZ |SZ, Ac1 _Z tÁAm} Xsñ w}èM}} <SZ Ayw}Hr¥

Accept: |S PtaZS ÑMö rS PvaZS yS P{Mv PvaZ
Except Å@Am AçZSwt AÑMÉMy y©yÑS} c}M~ rS} {SMv ÑZ PcSva AciÌMc ySt PtaZ

\tSÑ}q: Jojo was willing to accept all invitations,but all excepted Jojo from their invitations.


Adapt: {SAvMZ PvaZS
PvaZS, AvMj} cM} PvaZS yS t§c PvaZS

\tSÑ}q: Dr Hyde adopted a child who shortly adapted himself to his new environment.


<zSAyr c}S,
fAmMZ PrS~S yS ÉD7 c}S

\tSÑ}q: Intemperate living will affect his health. Temperate living will effect his cure.

{SvAÉc <zSy yS <ArAçZS, P|{v XvÚzÊAr yS ZöS
x~Sx~, wA}qS{

agree to, agree with

PcSva wA}cOvS yS <USMy Zr©SAtMr ÉIr ÑM~ Agree to.
PcSva y©Aå} ÉMò _c{r ÑM~ Agree with.
PcSva tÁAm AjAvÉ w}è} {SvSvÉZ ÑM~a Agree with

\tSÑ}q: I agree to a quarrel.
I am happy to disagree with you.
He agrees with me.
The verb agrees with the noun in person and number.


tÁjMv} {Mu© PySkSMr between, XMvMc} {Mu© ÑM~ among

There was a disagreement between the two
There was a disagreement among them.

P|dSMv Y{}S _{v PcSva AciÌ csS yA~ |SMc É
Ød©SZ PeSvS |SZ vS, PÉdSMv wA}{SMw} jv©
amount Å@Am y©yÑS} c}S ÑZ¥ ÉØd©SZ PeSvS |SZ _{v yb} jv© y©yÑS} c}S ÑZ number Å@Am¥

They had a large number of children and a small amount of money.


Like Jane, Mary was tall as a giraffe.

because of/due to

Because of yMÉ adverbial phrase-_} YMe, due to y©yÑS} c} S ÑZ adjective phrase-_} YMe¥

Because of Adam and Eve, we have been excluded from Eden.
Our exclusion from Eden is due to Adam and Eve.


Beside: wSMÅ, besides: iSYSa

No one sat beside me.
(Y{S} wSMÅ Pc\ yMÉAv¥)
No one sat besides me.
(YA{ iSYS Y} Pc\ yMÉAv¥)


_Z tÁAmMc AvMZ AyCSAå} Xå PvZ¥

Lie: Xc{ñc AçZS, _} {SMv Ñ~ cMZ sScS AcØyS A{s©S y~S¥
Éc{ñc AçZS, _} {SMv }SdS yS yÉSMvS¥

PeS~{SM~} jSZeS`M~S zS~ cM} PtMd }SMdS:

Lie (to recline)- Present
Lie (to deceive)- Present
Lay (to recline)- Past
Lay (to put)- Present

Lie (to recline): I lie down when I’m tired. (present)
I lay down last evening. (past)
Lie (to deceive): Why do you lie when you know I’ll learn the truth? (present)
He lied to the police to protect his aunt. (past)
Lay (to put): Lay that revolver on the table. (present)

We laid our money on the counter. (past)

Å@, Å@`ö, ySc©SØÅ— _`M~S ySMc©} PcSsSZ cH zSMy y©yÑS} c}S ÑMö, rS} aw}Z Ac1 _Mt} Xsñ Avzñ} cM}¥ P|SeSM|SMe} {Û~ AzA§ ÑMö ySc©¥ ySMc©} PjS} sScMy, rS} enMv PÉR2|ñ sScMy, _cZ ÉMò _cAm ySc© èî _yØ AvAtñî zSMy rS} yåy© yÚAkMZ PtMy, rMyZ rS ÉÚïÌ P|SeSM|SMe} zSÇS ÑMZ \nMy¥ P| P| Å@ ySMc©} Xsñ PySkS} wMs ySuS ÑMZ aMn, ySMc©} XsñMc Xèî cM} PtZ XsyS wSnM|Se©rS cA{MZ PtZ, PÉmSZ ÉØMÅSuv c}Mr ÑMy¥ Y} _Z cS}MqZ Y{SMt} <ArAm Å@ y©yÑSM}} É{Z PdZS~ }SdMr ÑMy, Å@mS aZ jSZeSZ rS} Anc Xsñ XvÚ|SZH y©y_r ÑMö AcvS¥

iAy: ÉÚ{v PhRuÚA}
YH Z\vSZMmoaZSQñ ÜÌ~ Xy AyjMvÉ-_ cA{\AvMcÅv AÜ
~-_} AÅêc

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XvÚ{Ar iSÖS _Z aMÜyÉSZMm} PcSva XØÅ, P~dS yS iAy vc~ c}S yS Xv© PcSsSa <cSÅ c}S PyYZAv¥
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