15 cSArñcþ 1417 PÉS{yS} 1 vMzG} 2010



 AvMj} csS cH zSMy
Anc Anc jSvSMy


_cmS zS~ AÉ Az KrA} cM} }SdSmS dÚyZ jTA}¥ cS}q PrS{S} ÉMò wA}Ahr ÑaZS} YMe
ZSecrSñ Ac1 PrS{SMc jSvMyv _Z AÉ Az-} {Su©M{Z¥
zS~ AÉ Az P~dS} É{MZ AciÌ
AjAvÉ {SsS
}SdS hSZ¥ P|{v, <sM{Z cT c}S \Ahr wSMÉSñvS~ PòmM{* AtMZ¥

ySjSM} {Mv} {MrS hScA} wSaZS} jv© AvMj} PtSÇ`q AhMv }SdS} wSÅSwSAÅ _cmS zS~ AÉ Az KrA} cM} }SdSmS dÚyZ jTA}¥ cS}q PrS{S} ÉMò wA}Ahr ÑaZS} YMe AvMZSecrSñ Ac1 PrS{SMc jSvMyv _Z AÉ Az-} {Su©M{Z¥ zS~ AÉ Az P~dS} É{MZ AciÌ AjAvÉ {SsSZ }SdS hSZ¥ P|{v, <sM{Z cT c}S \Ahr wSMÉSñvS~ PòmM{* AtMZ¥ AÉ Az-Pr _Am sScMy _McySM} PeSYSZ, {Û~ yåMy©} YMe¥ _Z XØMÅ AvMj} y©Aåx, `qSyA~ _yØ XAjñr ÉSx~© ÉGM3 dÚy ÉØMêMw PtaZS sScMy¥

vHMh cMZcAm `q yS hSA}A®c KyAÅMî©} csS y~S Ñ~¥ rS} w} _cAm wSMÉSñvS~ PòmM{M*} \tSÑ}q PtaZS Ñ~¥ PÉdSMv P| ySc© yS ySc©SØÅ`A~ }MZMi rS} {Mu© PsMc AyAz7 Å@ yS ySc©SØÅ _c _cAm `q yS KyAÅMî©} yqñvS AÑMÉMy <SÉAòc¥ PcSv yqñvSAm PcSv `Mq} PêM® <M|Sj©, dÚ<Mj yS} cM}S¥

 Education, character, knowledge, experience, success.

Well organized,highly motivated communications strategy advisor.Economics graduate with recent professional experience developing communication strategy for positive change. Currently completing Master’s in Development Studies with specific focus on sustainability. Fluent spoken and written English. Self motivated, resourceful and able to motivate others, with excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

<ArAm ySMc©}Z _cAm AyMÅÇ u{ñ }MZMi¥ vHMh crc`A~ <4 PtaZS Ñ~¥ PÉZ XvÚÉSM} \wM}} ySc©`A~Mc <4`A~} \§} XvÚÉSM} ÉSjSa¥

A) What sort of person am I?
B) What is my area of professional expertise?
C) What is my most important qualification?
D) What is my most relevant skill for the job?
E) What am I doing at the moment?

wSMÉSñvS~ PòmM{*-_ YcÇñqHZ ySc© P~dS} jv© vHMh} ÉS}Aq PsMc AyAz7 Å@ yS ySc©SØÅ y©yÑS} c}Mr wSM}S¥

_cmS \tSÑ}q AtZ: Highly experienced accounts manager with excellent communication skills. _ yS} ySAc`M~S AvMj}S cM} Px~¥

 _ yS} YAÉ PrS{S} ¢SÄxSM}y~ AÜ~É yS Éh~ têrS} AyÇMZ¥ vHMh crc`A~ ¢SÄxSM}y~ AÜ~É-_} rSA~cS PtaZS Ñ~¥ AÅêS, cSMj} XAzarS, Åd Zr©SAt} \tSÑ}Mq} {Su©M{ _Z têrS`A~ rÌA{ AÉ Az’Mr rÌM~ u}Mr wSM}S¥

ÉØM|Se ÉSuv têrS (cA{\AvMcÅv AÜ~É), AyMtAÅ zSÇS} têrS (xM}v ~©SMòSMZj AÜ~É), yÚA$er têrS (ZM*M~chÌZS~ AÜ~É), A{M~A{MÅ cSj c}S} têrS (Z*S}wSMÉSñvS~ AÜ~É), <|ÚAåer têrS (YZ Am AÜ~É), ÉØd©Ser têrS (Av\{SM}AÉ AÜ~É), ÉSØenAvc têrS (XeSñvSZMjÅvS~ AÜ~É), AyM5ÇqH ê{rS (A}ÉShñ AÜ~É)¥

vHMh crc`A~ ySc© PtaZS Ñ~¥ <Mr©cAm ySMc©} wSMÅ É©SMcMm AciÌ ¢SÄxSM}y~ AÜ~É \MNd c} S Ñ ~¥ _Mt} {Mu© PcSv ¢SÄxSM}y~ AÜ~Am ÉØA5î ySMc© PvZ PÉmSZ d<ÌMj yS} c}¥

1) In May 2005 I successfully completed a ten person expedition to the Himalayas (motivation/ teamwork/ achievement/ creativity). _dSMv creativity ¢SÄxSM}y~ AÜ~ Am PvZ¥ _ yS} ySAc`M~S AvMj}S cM} Px~¥
My role was to assist the project team in devising and implementing strategies to communicate this message to local residents in different parts of Africa . (commmunication/ teamwork/ creativity/ organization)   
As the sole Japanese speaker I acted as a spokesman for our group, negotiating bookings and negotiating the itinerary. (interpersonal skills/ communication/ analysis/ negotiation)
I organized and led sports and drama activities at a summer school. (organization/ leadership/ motivation/ writing)
The nature of the project meant that I had to travel extensively at a short notice and share basic living conditions. (flexibility/ teamwork/ research/ interpersonal skills)
I am currently completing in depth research on reforestation techniques for my dissertation. (independence/ analysis/ research/ teamwork)

{AoxSZS}- XAzarS/ têrS X©SoMjcAmz-1 y©Aå X©SoMjcAmz-2
Communication Skills Creative Accounts Manager recent
experience in Custom oriented English speaker deep
Extremely Experienced Recent Graduate with excellent knowledge of
Highly Resourceful Sales Professional extensive skills in
range of Result-focused Self Starter proven

 ySc©`A~} ÅÛôSv wÛ}q c}:

1. My role was to ___________________________________
As the _____________________ I acted as____________________
The nature of ______________ meant that I had to _________________
Within this role I was responsible for__________________________________
To do this effectively, I had to __________________________________

|dv PrS{S} wÛyñ hScA}} XAzarS _yØ ÉSx~© ÉDMcñ AÉ Az Pr A~dMr hSZi, rdv y©Aåer ÉyñvS{ vS AtMZ y}Ø wSòD~ AçZS y©yÑS} c}¥ P|{v, I chaired weekly team meetings vS A~Md chaired weekly meetings P~d¥ PwÅSer XAzarS yqvSñ c}S} PêM® AyAz7 X©ScÅv y©yÑS} c}¥ P|{v, achieved, anticipated, approved, arranged, budgeted, calculated, chaired, collaborated, compiled, convinced, coordinated, created, delegated, demonstrated, designated, developed, formulated, established, identified, implemented, operated, organized, increased, motivated, negotiated, planned, presented, recommended, represented, supervised, trained, taught.

_cmS \tSÑ}q AtZ¥ I made recommendations regarding the most effective allocation of resources vS A~Md P~MdS: Identified the most effective allocation of resources to make it more concise and impressive.

|At PrS{S} AÅêSer P|Se©rSZ PrS{S} hA}M®} <uSv KyAÅî© ÑZ, rS ÑM~ PÉAmMcZ AÉ Az’Mr <s{ AtMc }SMdS¥ _mS y~Ai, cS}q rÌA{ |At Ét© ^SrcUM} wSÅ cM} sSc _yØ PrS{S} x~ dÚy zS~ sSMc, rS ÑM~ hScA}Mr AvMZSMe} PêM® _Am _cAm `T§wÛqñ Årñ ÑMZ tS<YSMy¥

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XvÚ{Ar iSÖS _Z aMÜyÉSZMm} PcSva XØÅ, P~dS yS iAy vc~ c}S yS Xv© PcSsSa <cSÅ c}S PyYZAv¥
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