30 Kj©ï 1417 PÉS{yS} 14 jþÁv 2010



XMv©} y~S csS |At
wM} YyS} y~Mr

|dv PÉSjSÉÚAj Pc\ cS\Mc AciÌ yA~, PÉmS ÑZ <r©ê \Aå¥ YyS} PÉZ \AåZ |At
Xv© cS}a cSMi vrÌv cM} PwÅ c}S |S
Z, PÉmS ÑMZ |SZ wM}Sê \Aå¥ {Mv }SdMr ÑMy
<r©ê PsMc wM}Sê \AåMr LwSåM}} É{MZ ySMc© Ac1 PyÅ cMZcmS wA}yrñv ÑZ¥

<r©ê \Aå yS Direct Speech Ñ~ Y{}S |S |S yA~, PÉSjSÉÚAj PÉmSZ¥ Y} wM}Sê \Aå yS Reported Speech Ñ~ cS}a ÉMò csS y~S} w} PÉZ y©Aå} csS`A~Z |dv Y{}S AvMjMt} {MrS cM} Xv© cS}a cSMi yA~¥ _ PêM® yåS} <SsA{c \Aå} AciÌ XØÅ Y{SMt} ytM~ Px~Mr ÑZ¥ xM~ <Éò XvÚÉSM} yt~SMr ÑZ \Aå} AçZSwtAma¥ P|{v, Direct Speech : You’re the most enjoyable person I’ve ever met. _ yS} _Z csSAmZ |dv Y{} S Xv © cS\Mc jSvSMyS, rdv PÉmS ÑMy Reported Speech, P|{v, He said I  was/am the most enjoyable person he had/ has ever met.

1) ySc© yS \Aå} PêÉyMhMZ PyAÅ P| wM}Sê AçZS y©y_r ÑZ, rS Ñ~ say _yØ tell.

AvPA~Adr ySc©`A~Mr ÉAnc AçZSwtAm} r~SZ tSe tSa:

He told/said that he had been very successful in the U.K. (_dSMv Anc AçZSAm Ñ~ said)

He told/said me that life there was dominated by doctors and lawyers.  (_dSMv Anc AçZSAm Ñ~ told)

2) vHMh <r©ê _yØ wM}Sê \Aå} cMZcAm \tSÑ}q PtaZS Ñ~¥

Direct: Some people will just call me rude
Indirect: He said some people would/will just call him rude.

Direct:What are your main personal qualities
Indirect: He was asked what his main personal qualities were/are.

Direct: Is leadership changing?
Indirect: He wanted to know if leadership was changing.

iAy: ÉÚ{v PhRuÚA}

PcSva <r©ê \AåMc wM}Sê \AåMr LwSåA}r c}Mr ÑM~ ySMc©} {Mu© PyÅ cMZcAm wA}yrñv c}Mr ÑZ¥ rSZ, jSvS t}cS},

1) ySMc© AçZS} cH wA}yrñv ÑZ
ÉyñvS{ (pronoun), AyMÅÇq (possessive adjective) yS É{MZ} PcSva \MNd sScM~ PÉ`A~} cH wA}yrñv ÑZ
3) <M4} {Mu© Y{}S cdv ‘|At’ (if) y©yÑS} c}y?
4) ySc© |At
<4 YcSM} sSMc rS ÑM~ Å@`A~} XyôSver cH wA}yrñv ÑMy?

wM}Sê \Aå} PêM® AyAz7 wM}Sê AçZS y©yÑS} c}S ÑZ ySc©AmMc Y}a ÉÑj c}Mr yS `AiMZ y~Mr¥ |S} xM~ XMvc É{MZZ PeSYS} ySMc©} rÌ~vSZ XMvc c{ ÅM@} {Mu©Z cSj PÉM} Px~S |SZ¥ P|{v uM}S, Direct Speech: There is no way that we are going to accept this offer. PÉmS Reported Speech- Y{}S A~dMr wSA} She rejected the offer.

<Mr©cAm wM}Sê AçZS} (Reporting Verb) ÉMò cH u}Mv} ySc©SØÅ y©y_r ÑMy PÉmS dÚy `T§wÛqñ¥

ÉSuS}qr PwÅSer cSMj yS YM~ShvSZ <r©ê \Aå} ytM~ wM}Sê \Aå y©yÑS} c}SZ tb}¥ _ yS} _cmS cSj PtaZS |Sc¥ _cAm ÉØôS} <ArAvAuMt} KynMc} cMsSwcsv AvMZ _cAm Z-P{~ PtaZS Ñ~¥ _dSMv i’Am <r©ê \Aå }MZMi¥ <sM{ PÉ`A~ wM}Sê \AåMr LwSåA}r cM} vSa, rS} w} PÉ`A~ AtMZ Z-P{~mS KrA} cM}S¥

<r©ê \Aå :
1) I’m taking plenty of new ideas back to my workplace.
2) I  now have a new blueprint for my own style.
3) Does anyone have any photo of the conference evening?
4) Can we arrange more workshops next year?
5) I found it a great way to recharge my batteries.
6) I think I can apply much of what I have learnt at home too.

_ yS} ySc©`A~} wM}Sê LwAm ÅÛôSMv yAÉMZ vHMh} Z-P{~Am ÉDÊqñ c}¥ 

Dear conference delegates,

Thank you for attending the last annual conference. The overall ratings indicate that you found it inspirational. Mr Rao told us that he He said he was taking plenty of new ideas back to his workplace.

In a similar vein, Dr Desai said that 2__________________ . For others, the conference was a great opportunity to meet and interact with others. Seema told us 3_______________. Interestingly, it seems the benefit went far beyond the workplace. Maria was confident that 4_________________. I’d also like to respond to some interesting questions from delegates. Abhijit Sen asked 5________________ . No promises yet, but we will take your comments on board. Sanjay Rao sent us a long email asking 6___________________. Don’t worry. Everything will be posted on the website next month.

Thank You once again for participating in this year’s conference.

Y}a _cmS cSj¥ uM}S vHMh} ySc©`A~ PrS{SMc \M±Å© cM} y~S ÑMZMi¥ ySc©`A~Mc wM}Sê \AåMr wA}yArñr cM}S wM}Sê AçZS y©yÑS} cM}¥ ySc©`A~ P|v cT ÑZ He/She AtMZ¥ AciÌ AciÌ ySMc©} _cSAuc \§}a sScMr wSM}¥

Remember that the deadline is at the end of the month.

Don’t touch the surface or you’ll burn yourself.

You did a great job again. Well done.

I’m sorry but I made a mistake.

You must take regular holidays.

Let’s go to a resturant for lunch.

ÉSÑS|© ~SeMy?  P|{v uM}S, <s{ ySc©Am} \§} Ñ~, She asked me to remember that the deadline was at the en d of the month.

PeSmS AyÇZmS Y} _cyS} kSA~MZ PvaZS |Sc¥ _dSMv ArvAm `T§wÛqñ AyÇZ {SsSZ }SdMr ÑMy¥

1) ZSwt P|v ySc© XvÚÉSM} <SÉAòc ÑZ¥ cdva YyS} AçZS vSa yt~SMr ÑMr wSM}¥ \tSÑ}qSLw, I’m leaving at 3 o’clock. _mS Y{}S wM}Sê \AåMr wA}qr cM}a AçZS} cS~ vS wSÑSMr wSA}, A~dMr wSA} She said she is leaving at 3 o’clock.

rMy, PyAÅ} zSe PêM®Z wM}SêZSMc yrñ{Sv PsMc XrHMr wA}yArñr c}S |SZ¥ P|{v, She said she was leaving at three o’clock.

2) Xv© cS}a \Aå wM} y~S} É{MZ ‘YA{’ yS ‘Y{S}’ {MrS ÉyñvS{ wt, XsyS ‘Yj’ AcØyS ‘ercS~’-_} {MrS cS~yShc AyMÅÇ© wt`A~Mca <MZSjv XvÚÉSM} yt~SMr ÑMy¥

3) <r©ê PsMc wM}Sê \Aå KrA} c}S} É{MZ vSvS }c{ wM}Sê AçZS y©yÑS} cM} ÊSc©m XMvc É}~HcOr cM} PvaZS |SZ¥ cu jSvMr ÑZ, PcSv wM}Sê AçZS} wM} PcSvAm \w|Úå ySc©SØÅ yÉMr wSM}¥ P|{v, He suggested to postpone the meeting-_} ytM~ rÌA{ A~dMr wSM}S, He suggested postponing the meeting.

W~SAÑYH Z\vSZMmoaZSQñ ÜÌ~ Xy AyjMvÉ-_ cA{\AvMcÅv AÜ~-_} AÅêc

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