8 Kh® 1416 PÉS{yS} 22 {Shñ 2010



PcSsSZ the ÑMy,
Y} PcSsSZ ÑMy vS

cuÚ y©Sc}Mq} zÌ~ vZ, cMsSwcsMv} É{MZ PoAxAvm YBc~ ‘the’ Anc
zSMy y©y
ÑS} vS c}M~ XMvc É{Z csS} {SMv Anc Anc PySkS vS-a P|Mr 
wSM}¥ rSZ PjMv AvMr ÑMy _} y©yÑS} PcSsS
Z \Ahr, PcSsSZ vZ¥

XMvc É{MZZ y3ÌyS3y yS ÉÑc{ñHMt} ÉMò ÉSuS}q cMsSwcsMv _{v AciÌ ySMc©} ÉIÚdHv Y{SMt} ÑMr ÑMZ P|`A~ y©Sc}q {SMv vS, rSZ Xc$¥ _{v csS cMv wSnc yS PµSrS AyCSå ÑMrZ wSM}v¥


 I went to city yesterday.

I enjoy the breakfast.

The education in India is quite cheap.

She plays the violin very well.

I reach the office at 8 o’clock everyday.

A&rHZ ySc©Am} {{ñ wSnc yS PµSrS} yÚkMr É{É©S ÑMr wSM}¥ cS}q ySc©Am} tÁ’u}Mv} Xsñ ÑMr wSM}¥
I enjoy the breakfast they serve at x restaurant.
2) I enjoy my breakfast.

_Z AyCSAå} {ÛM~ }MZMi PoAxAvm YBc~- ‘the’-_} <MZSe¥ ySMc© YBc~-_} |sS|s <MZSe ÉGM3 AncnSc AÅMd vSa¥ P|{v, PcSva y©Aå, ôSv yS AyÇZ, |S} <Éò YMeZ \MNAdr ÑMZMi, rS} YMe ‘the’ y©yÑS} c}Mr ÑMy¥

\tSÑ}q`A~Mc zS~ cM} ~ê cM}S:

These are the DVDs that I borrowed from the library.
_dSMv PcSva AyM
ÅÇ AoAzAo _yØ PcSva AvAtñî ~SZMÉA}} csS y~S ÑMö¥ yåS PÉmS jSMv, |SMc \M±Å© cM} csSmS y~S ÑMö PÉ-a jSMv¥

Where’s the letter I asked to draft?
PµSrS Av
ZZZ jSMv, yåS PcSv AhAn} csS \MNd c}Mi¥

What do you think of the meeting?
åS _yØ PµSrS tÁ’jMvZ YMe PcSva É{MZ P| A{AmØ-_ \wAôr AiM~v, èîrZ rS}Z <Éò \nMi _dSMv¥

I met an interesting customer yesterday. The customer knows more about our company than most of us.
s{ ySc©AmMr P| cSò{SM}} csS y~ S ÑMZMi , A&rHZ ySMc© ArAvZ \MNAdr¥

The poor of this country deserve a better treatment.
_Z ySMc© ‘
the’ {SMv XMvc eA}y {SvÚÇMc PySkSMö¥

AciÌ AciÌ PzRMeSA~c vS{ y©yÑSM}} PêM® PoAxAvm YBc~ y©yÑS} c} S ÑZ ¥ P|{v, the Nile, the Equator, the West Zr©SAt¥

Ac1 ÉSuS}q zSMy PcSva AciÌ ÉDMcñ csS y~S} É{Z PoAxAvm YBc~ Éh}Sh} y©yÑS} ÑZ vS¥ P|{v,

In summer we close at 7pm.

Guns are dangerous toys.

PcSva _cmS AyMÅÇ jSZeSZ {SvÚÇ ÉSuS}qr P| cSMj} jv© |SZ, PÉZ cSMj} jv©Z PÉdSMv PeM~ jSZeSAm} vSM{} YMe ‘the’ yMÉ vS¥ P|{v,

I go to church on Sunday.
1 Xv© PcSva cSMj PeM~ ‘the’ yÉMy¥ P|{v,

The detective went to the church. (u{Sñh}Mq} jv© vZ, rtMå} cSMj¥)
PoAxAvm YBc~-_} P| Éy PêM® y©yÑS} ÑZ vS—

zSÇS} vS{: He speaks Japanese and Mandarin.
Pd~S} vS{:
I love tennis.
YS} AyÇZ: I am confident in Maths.
I hardly skip lunch.
å} vS{: I met Paul yesterday.
ÅS: Journalism is a challenging profession.
PtScSMv} vS{:
I often visit Shopper’s Stop.
2}, PòÅv, }SUS, ÅÑM}} vS{: I live in Andheri in Bombay .

AvAtñî AciÌ csSZ PoAxAvm YBc~-_} y©yÑS} ÑZ vS¥ P|{v,

We travelled to Bombay by train.
I often travel by air.
I walk to college.
I am on leave.
She is still at school.
He is busy at work.

iAy: ÉÚ{v PhRuÚA}

ÅÛôSv wÛ}q cM}S ‘the’ AtMZ yS ‘AjM}S YBc~’ AtMZ (XsSñà PcSva YBc~ vS AtMZ):  

The first step in choosing a credit card is deciding how you are going to use it. If you are sure of paying your monthly bill in full, your best choice may be a card that has no ____________ annual fee and offers a longer grace period.

Another important fact to consider is ____________ annual percentage rate, the interest rate you will pay if you carry over a balance, take out cash advance or transfer a balance from another card.

Another consideration is the grace period. By grace period we mean _____________ number of days you have to pay your bill in full without attracting a finance charge.

Other factors to take into ____________  account are the possibility of a minimum finance charge and additional fees which may be added to you credit card. Read _________ information in your credit card agreement to see if there are other fees or charges.

If your credit card is lost or stolen and used by someone, you have zero liability once you report _____________ loss to _________ credit card company.

Make a list of your account numbers and ___________ toll free phone numbers of ___________ credit card companies. Keep ____________ list in a safe place __________ not in your wallet. If you discover your card is lost or stolen, report it immediately to the credit card company by calling the toll free number.

Finally, take ________ list of phone numbers with you when you travel, just in case a card is lost or stolen.

W~SAÑAY Z _~ Am-AÅêc

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