e~SmS _cmÌ wA}íS} cM} AvMZ y3Ì} AtMc rSAcMZ dÚy AyvJ zSMy csSmS cT cM}S¥ XO csS} {Mu©Z PrS{S} |S yåy© PÉmS jSAvMZ PxM~S |SMr PrS{S} PµSrS}S YyS} AvMjMt} csSZ AxM} P|Mr wSM}¥
cMsSwcsMv} {SMk PcSva yåS |dv rS} csS PÅÇ
c}Mi rdvZ rÌA{ |S y~Mr hSa PÉmS <cSÅ cM}S¥ P|
csSmS ÑAö~ <sM{ PÉZ AyÇMZ AvMj} AciÌ csS yM~S yS {rS{r tSa¥
|SMt} cSMi rÌA{ PrS{S} dy}mS jSvSMr hSZi YMe
rSMt} ÉMò csSySrSñZ P|Se tSa¥ {v AtMZ PÅSMvS rS}S cH AvMZ YM~ShvS c}Mi¥ rS} w} yåS} PhSMd
PhSd }SMdS, |SMr PrS{SMc vj} c}M~Z PÉ yÚkMr wSM} PrS{S} AciÌ y~S} YMi¥
P| P|mS AvMZ csS y~Mi, rS} yåMy©} <Ar wÛqñ
{MvSM|Se tSa¥ rS} csS PÅÇ ÑM~ z(zSMy AjaSÉS cM}S rSMt} csS} {Mu© rÌA{ AciÌ y~Mr wS}My Ac vS¥
éÀw AoÉcSÅMv} PêM® iS®iS®HMt} _mS
PÅdS jTA} P| PcSva wA}AôArMr csS} {Mu© AvMj} csS y~Mr ÑZ, cH zSMy y~Mr ÑZ¥ XMvc É{MZZ iS®iS®H}S AvMjMt} yåy© jSAÑ} c}Mr _r y©U sSMc P| XMv©} csS cvMr zÌM~ |SZ¥ _} jv© _cmS PiSm rSA~cS c}S \Ahr P| cdv PcSva yåS} csS} {Mu© AyQ fmSMvS \Ahr yS cdv vZ¥ cdv \Ahr vZ-_} rSA~cSZ sScMr wSM}— PcSva _cmS AyÇMZ rdva yåS} PyÅ AciÌ y~S ÑZAv XsyS ÑZMrS dÚy P}Me AeMZ rÌA{ _{v AciÌ y~Mr hSZi P|mS} jv© wM} PrS{SMc XvÚrSw c}Mr ÑMy¥ cdv
\Ahr? |dv yåS XMvcêq uM} yM~ |SMö yS X<SÉAòc AciÌ
y~Mi, yS rÌA{ yÚkMrZ wS}MiS vS PÉ cH y~Mr hSZMi¥
PÉdSMv rÌA{ _ zSMy y~Mr wSM}S—
I just add something here? Sorry, I had just like to clarify something’ Zr©SAt¥
csS} {Mu© csS y~Mr ÑM~ YMe vJ zSMy AciÌ v}{ Å@ y©yÑS} cM}S¥ P|{v uM}S, Excuse
me, Erm, well, just a moment XsyS csS vS yM~ _cmS PiSù cSAÅ AtMZ¥ _Mr P| y~Mi PÉ PrS{SMc y~S} ÉÚM|Se AtMr
wSM}¥ |dv rÌA{ AciÌMr PrS{S} X{r <cSÅ c}MiS, PÉ
PêM® Yes,
but..., I know, but....I see what you mean-_} {MrS csS y©yÑS} c}Mr wSM}S¥
I think 16 is too young to drive.
Excuse me, that may be true for some people but many 16 year olds are very
responsible. A few are careless, but most of them...
Well, yes, but what about the minority? They should not be allowed to drive.
They are very dangerous and they might kill....
Just a moment. I see what you mean, but I don’t think that it’s right to
punish everyone because of a few people. Those who break the law will be caught
and punished. That’s what the law
is for...
I know, but can I just say that the law doesn’t always work? Some people
don’t get caught. And the law is not strong enough. People pay a small fine,
If I could just come in here. The
solution is to make the law stronger.
csS y~S} Y}a AciÌ u}v:
me ma’am. I know you are busy, but may I speak to you for a moment?
Sir, sorry to interrupt, but someone’s here to
see you.
Just a minute, do you know if tomorrow is a
Sorry, am I interrupting?
Could I interrupt?
sorry, but...
AcØyS, vJ
a moment/ minute
I could just come in here
rcñ-AyrMcñ} PêM®
know, but...
that may be true, but...
but on the other hand...
Z _~ Am AyMÅÇa