30 þcSArñcþ  1416 PÉS{yS} 16 vMzG} 2009



Éy AciÌ Ac1
P{Mv AvMr ÑMy vS


<sM{Z {Mv }SdMr ÑMy, cS}a ÉMò {rSå} fmM~ {SsS e}{ c}S \Ahr vZ¥
ôAr cH zSMy ÅSå cM} YvS |SZ, PeSYSZ PÉmSZ PhîS cM}S¥ rMy
hSMw wM
Y XMvc AciÌ P{Mv AvM~, _{v P|v vS ÑZ¥ |S PrS{S} wMê
c}S XÉ
Hy, XÉSu© yS XvÚAhr, Pr{v AciÌ} tSAZ§ AvMZS vS¥
Ø PÉ csS wA}íS} cM} jSAvMZ PtaZS zS~¥

{rSå} yS ySe«Ayr¢S AvMZ er yS} AciÌ csS yM~Ai~S{¥ _ yS} _Z AyÇMZ cMZcAm \tSÑ}q Pty¥ <sM{Z {Mv }SdMr ÑMy, cS}a ÉMò {rSå} fmM~ {SsS e}{ c}S \Ahr vZ¥ wA}AôAr cH zSMy ÅSå cM} YvS |SZ, PeSYSZ PÉmSZ PhîS cM}S¥

P|{v rÌA{ PcSsSa dÚy PtA}Mr PwR@Mii, |S} ÉMò PtdS c}S} csS Ai~, PÉ dÚy P}Me PeMi¥ <sM{ rÌA{ y~Mr wSM}S:
I am really sorry. I guess I should have tried to leave earlier.

YyS}, Xv© jv |S hSZMiv yS |S y~Miv, PÉmSZ Éy É{Z P{Mv AvMr ÑMy, rS vZ¥ rÌA{ |S y~Mr hSZi, Xv© jvMc rS nSäS {SsSZ, |ÚAå AtMZ PySkSMr PhîS cM}S¥ P|{v,
Please try and have a look from my point of view.

_yØ |At PySkSMr wSM}S, rMy PÉ jv© ÉMò ÉMò uv©ySt jSvSMr zÌM~S vS¥ P|{v,
Thanks for accepting my point/ view. I’m so glad.

hSMw wMY XMvc AciÌ P{Mv AvM~, _{v P|v vS ÑZ¥ |S PrS{S} wMê c} S XÉHy , XÉSu© yS XvÚAhr, Pr{v AciÌ} tSAZ§ vS PvaZSZ zS~¥ PÉmS wA}íS} cM} jSAvMZ PtaZS zS~¥ P|{v,
If you could please understand that it's not always possible.

<s{ \tSÑ}Mq} csSZ AxM} YAÉ¥ Y{}S <SZZ cS}a XMwêSZ PsMc PsMc Ay}å ÑMZ wAY¥ PÉZ cS}Mq ÑZMrS AvAtñî cSjAma w¢ ÑZ¥ vHMh} cMsSwcsvAm wMYS _yØ tÁAm \tSÑ}Mq} {Mu© csSySrSñ} wSsñc©Am ~ê cM}S¥



A: What happened? Where have you been? I've been waiting here for ages— didn’t even bother to inform?

B: Sorry. I was busy in a meeting which was delayed, we started late and it went on for quite some time. Finally when I was about to leave Boss asked me to draft a letter. Then the traffic was dreadful, which took almost twice as long as usual.

A: I hate waiting. It's such a waste of time and effort. It's not worth it at all.

B: I said I'm sorry. You need not go on about it. It was not deliberate.

A: If it happens once more, I'm not going for any movie with you. I'll find someone else. Is that OK?

B: I feel you are overreacting. It wasn't my fault that the traffic was bad and that the meeting started late. And why always me? What about the time you came in late...?


A: Where were you? I've been waiting since an hour? I was just about to leave.

B: I'm sorry to be late. The meeting started late, but well, I guess I should have tried to leave earlier.

A: I just hate waiting, it's such a waste of time and effort.

B: I'm really sorry. It won't happen again.

A: If you can't promise to be on time, I'm not going for any morie with you ever. I will find someone else.

B: I'm so sorry to have upset you. Please don't do that just because I got delayed once. Please try to view it from my point of view. It gets very difficult to leave important meetings early.

A: But you promised you would come on time, and we missed the show.

B: In principle you are right, and I am normally on time, but you must understand it’s not always possible. There are so many factors. We are all late sometimes, aren't we?

A: Yes, I guess sometimes and there isn't much I can do about it.

B: Thanks for accepting my view. Now let's go and watch the next show, OK?


~ê cM}S, A tÁMmS PêM®Z dÚy hYS wtSñZ csS y~Ai~¥ rSMcZ y©sñ <rHêSZ sScMr ÑMZMi, rSZ rS} }SemS XMÑrÌc vZ¥ <s{ tÈîSMå  B hm cM} P}Me Pe~ _yØ ‘rÌA{a PrS PtA} cM}S’ yM~ wSÑS XAzM|Se cM} yÉ~¥ xM~ PySkSwYS cAnv ÑMZ tS<YS~¥ A&rHZ PêM® B AciÌMrZ wSÑS XAzM|SMe} {Mu© Pe~ vS¥ _ PêM®a _cmS É{MZ PÉ ’Mc rS} zÌ~mS uA}MZ At~, Ac1 PÉmSa dÚy ÅSå zAòMr, |ÚAå AtMZ, _yØ <sM{Z yM~ Av~ P|, 'In principle you are right'. _} xM~Z  PÅÇ w|ñå ÅSå Ñ~¥ _yØ _Z cMsSwcsMv} {Mu© AtMZ tÁjMv} ÉDcñ ÉHyr Y}a wScSMwSå Ñ~, cS}q rS}S  AvMjMt} É{É©S AvMj}SZ A{AmMZ AvMr PwM}Mi¥ er ySM}} P~dS} cTMr _mSZ yM~Ai~S{: {rSå} yY csS vZ, cH zSMy rS P{mSMvS ÑMö PÉmSZ YÉ~ csS¥

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