4 þþYA®v 1416 PÉS{yS} 21 PÉM9G} 2009



wÚMjSZ |At y3Ì} ÉMò
Z*M{* hSa

PmA~MxSMv cH zSMy csS y~Mr ÑZ, rS} AciÌmS er ySM} jSvS ÑMZMi¥ _ yS}
PÉZ AÅêS cSMj ~SeSMvS} wS~S¥ wÚMjSMrZ y}
Ø _cmS PhîS cM} PxM~S, y3Ì}
ÉMò PfS}Sf
ÚA}} =©SvmS ZØM}AjMr ÉS}yS}! Y}, {Mv P}MdS, cMsSwcsv
hS~SMvS} PêM® Z
ØM}Aj A<MwSAjÅv-_} y©yÑS}mS P{SmS{ÚAm PjMv
}SdS t}cS}, vS ÑM~ csS y~SZ cAnv ÑM

Preposition jSMvS PrS? PcSv PêM® cH preposition yÉSMr ÑZ, PÉmS PdZS~ cM}S¥ PxSMvZ PÑSc Y} ÉS{vSÉS{Av PÑSc, csSySrSñ hS~SMvS} jv© PÉmS jSvS dÚy t}cS}¥

1.Tomorrow at 4 p.m.
2.At the weekend, or on Tuesday.
4.In summer/winter
5.In 2008
6.Last night, at midnight
7.at Christmas
8.Next Monday
9.Tomorrow at 6 o’ clock
10.In the evening
11.At the moment, at 5 o’ clock

12.On Saturday, the 1st November, in the morning, at 12 noon.

 XsSñà - y©SwS}mS tS<YSMö _Z P|,

In summer/June/the morning - _cmS É{Z yS period of time PySkSMvS} jv©

On the 1st/ on Saturday  - _cmS Atv yS rSA}d PySkSMvS} jv©

At 12 noon - _cmS AvAtñî É{Z PySkSMvS} jv©

Yesterday/today/tomorrow/this morning/this afternoon/this evening/tonight/last evening –  PcSva preposition y©yÑS} ÑZ vS¥

_ yS} PtMdS PrS, vHMh} ySc©`M~S AncnSc preposition yAÉMZ (yS vS yAÉMZ) PÅÇ c}Mr wSM}S Ac vS: 

1.I’ll meet you (today/5 p.m.)
2.We’ll see you (weekend) or (Tuesday)
3.I’ll talk to him (tonight)
4.He plays tennis ( summer)
5.The fort was built (the 16th century)
6.The next conference is (2011)
7.He called (last night)/ midnight
8.We’ll visit the Pujas (Kolkata)
9.Let’s meet (Ashtami/10 o’ clock)
10.Sorry.. I’m not available (the Saptami) but I will be free on Nabami (2 o’ clock)
11.The child was born (tuesday/Ist may/4.30 a.m./the morning)

_ yS} _cmS {jS} Pd~S¥ wÚMjS AvMZ¥ wÚMjSZ PtdS c}Mr hSZMi tÁZ y3Ì, rS}S AvMjMt} {Mu© csSySrSñ y~Mi cH zSMy PcSsSZ cdv PtdS c}S |SZ rS AvMZ¥ vHMh PÉZ cMsSwcsvmS }Z~— Ac1 _M~SM{M~S zSMy }Z~¥ ÉSjSMvS} zS} PrS{SMt}¥ PcSv csS} \§M} PcSv csS, rS} wM} YyS} PcSv csS, _mS yÚA$ cM} ÉSjSa PrS PtAd¥ XMvcmS AjeÉ’ wSj~-_} {MrS y©SwS}mS¥ wÚMjS _Z _~ yM~, _dvZ _Z wSj~-mS É~z c}S} Anc É{Z, rSZ vS?

A. Hello.....

A. Yes, Sunday. What time are you thinking of?

B. Hi, Pooja, this is Vaishali.

B. Fine, thanks, how are you doing?

B. Me too. Bye!

B. Won’t that be nice? Or would you suggest some other place?.

A. Hello! Hi, Vaishali! Such a pleasant surprise! How are you?

A. Is 10 0’ clock ok for you?

B. Fine, I have no problem on Nabami. So that’s on the 27th, Sunday, at Maddox Square pandal?

B. I am more or less free on Nabami. What time suits you best?

B. 10 o’ clock sounds fine. I will be waiting for you there...

A. Great. Look forward to seeing you then.

A. Doing Fine. What news?

A. Bye Vaishali. Thanks for calling.

A. No, that’s not too good for me. Going out with cousins on the Saptami – We are taking the Puja Parikrama. Will be back in the evening. Does Nabami Suit you?

A. Let’s make it at Maddox Square pandal, it will be near your place and not very far from mine. We may ask a few others too. Which day is good for you?

B. How about 25th? Ashtami?

B. Hi, I’m calling to know if we can meet during the Pujas and have lunch together..

A. Sounds great! Shall we meet at the Puja pandal?

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