21 zS( 1416 PÉS{yS} 7 PÉM9G} 2009



cS} ÉMò cMy PcSsSZ
PtdS c}My?

cdv PtdS c}My, YMezSMe PxSMv Anc cM} AvMr hSa? PÉ }c{ csSySrSñ}
_cAm AyM
ÅÇ u}v YMi¥ y©y_r ÑZ AciÌ AyMÅÇ Å@¥ _Z ÉØd©SZ YM~ShvS}
Z PÉZ u}Mv} PmA~MxSv-cMsSwcsv¥ rMy, rS} YMe PdM~ AvMr
wSM}S _cmS {jS} Pd~S¥ PxSMv} cMsSwcsv AvM
YMe |S |S AÅMdi,
PÉ ÉyZ cSMj ~SeMy
_Z Pd~SZ¥

PxSMv |At cS}a cSi PsMc PcSva P{MÉj PvaZS} t}cS} ÑZ, rS ÑM~ cH c}My?

PxSv P| c}Mi rS} vG}mS PjMv vSa: Could I have your number?
rS} w} vG}mS A~Md vSa¥
AvMj} XAxÉ yS P{SySZ~ vG}mS tSa¥

_ yS} _cmS Pd~S¥ vHMh} ySc©`M~S} (a PsMc b) {Mu© PsMc hS}Am ySc© PyMi AvMZ rS}a vHMh P| PxSv-cMsSwcsv PtaZS YMi, PÉmS ÉDÊqñ cM}S¥ ySc©`A~ Ñ~:  

a) I’m afraid/sorry, he’s not in town today.
b) Could you please ask him to call me back?
c) He’s not at his table at the moment.
d) Could you please spell that?
e) Can I take a message?
f) Could I have your name and number please?
g) I’ll make sure he gets the message.
h) I’ll call back later.  

_ yS} PxSv-cMsSwcsv:

A. Hello.
B.  Can I speak to the MD Please?

A. I’m afraid he’s in a meeting. ________________________ (1)
B. ______________________ (2)

A. Sure. __________________(3)
B. Yes. My name is Sybilla. That’s S-Y-B-I-L-L-A.

A. Did you say ‘S’?
B. Yes, S, Sybilla. And my number is ******

A. ******. Ok. ________________ (4)
B. Thank you. Good Bye.  

Md~S PÅÇ¥ _ yS} PtMdS, |At AyjMvÉ cA{\AvMcÅv-_} ÉÛM® PcSva X©SwMZ*M{* Anc c}S} u}vuS}v¥  

uM}S, A{.X XMëA~ZSZ |SMöv _cAm {©SMvjM{* cvxSM}Ä-_ P|Se AtMr¥ ArAv AvMj} y3Ì a ÉÑc{ñH A{. Y-Pc PxSv cM} XAxMÉ} cSMj} ySZM} _cmS PtdSÉSêSMr} =©Sv c}Miv¥ vHMh PÉZ cMsSwcsv¥ zS~ cM} wMY PxM~S¥  

Mr. Y : Mr. Y speaking.
Mr. X : Hello, Mr. Y, this is X from India. How are you?

Y : X! How nice to hear from you. I’m fine, thanks. How are you?
X : Fine, thanks. Look, I’m coming in May for the Conference in Sydney. Are you going?

Y : No, not this time. You know A from the Accounts? He’s going this year.
X : Sorry, the line’s not too good. What was that? I couldn’t hear you.

Y : I said I can’t make it this year and A from Accounts will be there.
X : How sad! So I won’t see you there. How about meeting some time on my way through? I can get an earlier flight on the 17th.

Y : Just a minute. I check. No, I’m afraid I have a meeting all day. What about after the Conference on your way home?
X : Yes, that’ll be fine... on Thursday the 24th then?

Y : Would you like to meet for dinner?
X : Good idea! I’ll come and meet you at the hotel.

Y : Ok. Let’s keep it 7:00 pm. If you are delayed, give me a ring.
X : Great. So see you on the 24th at 7 pm.

Y : Wonderful. See you then. Thanks for calling, X. Bye!
X : Bye. 

rS ÑM~ yÚkM~ PrS, PcSva X©SwMZ*M{* Anc c}S} É{MZ É{Z Y} jSZeS AvMZ YM~ShvSZ cH cH u}Mv} csS y©y_r ÑZ?
Y} _c yS} PtMd vSa Å@ a ySc©`M~S:

How about meeting in ...?
What about after the Conference

Would you like to meet for dinner?
I suggest that I come and meet you..

Let’s keep it 7:00 pm
Yes, that’s possible.

Good idea.

W~SAÑYH XAza Z _~ Am AÅêc

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