7 zS( 1416 PÉS{yS} 24 Xeò 2009



cH cM} PmA~MxSMv
csS y~Mr


Y{} S ÉySZ c{-PyAÅ PmA~MxSv y©yÑS} cA}¥ Ac1, PmA~MxSMv PcSva cMsSwcsv cH zSMy _AeMZ AvMZ P|Mr ÑZ, PcSsSZ cdv cH y~Mr ÑZ, PÉ AyÇMZ èî uS}qS YMi Ac? _ ySM}  YM~ShvS rSZ AvMZ  

A{ Ac PxSMv zS~ csS y~Mr wSM}S? PmA~MxSMv} cMsSwcsMv tê ÑMZ anS} jv© <sM{ |S |S {Mv }SdS t}cS}¥

vG}Am oSZS~ cM}S— Xv© jv \§} At~— AvMj} wA}hZ tSa— Xv© jv ÉHSÇq c}~ (cH dy}?’ yS aZ }c{ AciÌ yM~)— PrS{S} PxSv c}S} cS}q jSvSa— Xv© jv PrS{SMc PcSva csS jSvS~... cMsSwcsv PÅÇ cM}S¥

MmA~MxSMv csS y~S} É{Z AyAz7 w|SñMZ P| u}Mv} csS y~Mr ÑZ, rS} AciÌ tÈîSå PtaZS |Sc¥

 PxSv _M~ \§} PtaZS

Good morning, how can I help you?
Who’s calling please?
Connecting you now/I’ll put you through.

AvMj} wA}hZ PtaZS

My name’s -------------------
It’s---------------(PrS{S} vS{)

Pcv PxSv c}i jSvSMvS

Could I speak to---------------(vS{)
I’m just calling to --------------------(PxSv c}S} cS}q)
Could you-------------------

csS PÅÇ c}S

Thanks for calling
Talk to you later. Bye.


PmA~MxSMv} YtycSZtS

w|SñZ csS jySy  
cT Good morning/Hello.
This is/It’s
Good morning/Hello/
Who’s calling please?
I’d like to speak to/
Could/Can I Speak to... 
Just a minute, I’ll put you through. Hold on, I’ll get him/her/ Nice to hear from you.
yåy© jSvSMvS I’m calling about----/
Could you give x a message?
I’m sorry, she’s not in. The line is busy. Will you hold? I’ll give the message.
Thanks for your help/Fine/Great/OK/
Look forward to
Thank you for calling/OK/
Right/Fine/Me too
MÅÇ c}S Goodbye Bye


_ yS} awM}} rSA~cS PsMc \w|Úå csS PyMi
Z vHMh} cMsSwcsMv ÅÛv©ôSv wÛ}q cM}S

A Receptionist: Ambassador Hotel. Good morning, how can I help you?
-------- ------------------ --------------- -------- Mrs Sen please?
-------------- -------------------- please?
-------------------- ------------------- Dr Basu.
Right Dr Basu,------------------ ----------------------- ------------------- --------------------------
Thank you.

B Ms De: Hello.
Joy: Hello,--------- ------------------ --------------- ------------------ Deb please?--------------- ------------ Joy.
Mrs De: Hello Joy,------------------ ----------------- --------------------?
Joy: Fine, thanks aunty.
Ms.De: I’m sorry, Deb’s ------------- ------------------------
Joy: ---------------- ------------------ --------------------- ---------------- a message?
Ms De: Yes,of course.
Joy: I’m ------------- --------------- the movie this evening. What time shall I pick him up? Will you ask him to call me?
Ms. De: Right. I’ll -------------- ------------------- ---------------- message.
Joy: Thanks, bye.
Ms De: ------------------------------.

W~SAÑYH XAza Z _~ Am AÅêc

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